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AS400 Support

AS400 Support

Computer Assistance can complement technology partners (software houses, developers, software vendors) who already serve user companies, enhancing the partner's offerings with its support services. The service can be performed on behalf of the partner, ensuring control over the end user.

Assistenza as400

Tantissime aziende utilizzano le piattaforme AS/400 - System i - IBM Power per gestire i processi gestionali aziendali.  IBM non sempre mantiene il supporto su apparati che hanno diversi anni di vita e quindi è indispensabile poter contare su un supporto tecnico di elevata qualità, in grado di risolvere rapidamente i problemi, tecnici e non, che possono insorgere nella gestione quotidiana.

Computer Assistance has been an IBM partner since 1997, accumulating significant experience in maintenance and technical support in AS/400, System i, and IBM Power environments. Thanks to this experience, Computer Assistance can provide consultancy and technical support for various user needs, including:

  • Hardware Maintenance
  • Optimization of application and hardware environments
  • System management and troubleshooting
  • Creazione di sistemi di Alta Affidabilità
  • Migration to new platforms
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Computer Assistance s.r.l.
C.F. e P. IVA 01778271203
REA N. 387550. REO. IMP. 162672/97
Cap. Soc. int. vers. € 10.200,00 
Codice Univoco FE M5UXCR1
Codice Eori IT01778271203

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